Thursday, 21 July 2011

More Good Old Fashioned Fun

When I picked up my son from school a few days ago and told him I had a surprise for him at home, he pleaded for hints all the way home...and my response, "Well, it's a game I picked up at the treasure shop".  His reply, "Does it have spiderman in it?  How about Star Wars?" ... "Err, no, it's not a computer has animals in it though"...

There is something about board games.  I remember as a kid, weekends and school holidays were often spent sitting around the table or on the carpet, playing Monopoly, The Game of Knowledge and various other games.  There'd be a bit of friendly (and not so friendly) rivalry, fair and not so fair play, and plenty of laughs.  Either way, there was plenty of interaction going on, and hours passed without being bored .  I want my kids to have those memories too. 

I have never seen this one (above), but I couldn't resist the cover, it's so retro, and is just the right level for my son.  At first he wasn't interested and thought it would be boring, but once we got going, he was hooked and loved it, great way to spend time together. 

We also like the Lego boardgames (especially Daddy).

Time to turn the tv off now and roll those dice.

Do you have a favourite board game you pull out on rainy days or for a bit of tech-free family time?

I'm linking up with PaisleyJade today for Things I'm Loving



PaisleyJade said...

Oh I just love the sound of the Lego boardgame! My boys would love that.

Anonymous said...

Oh we love Lego board games too, Harry Potter & Creationary, both so much fun, love Posie